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Constitution of Henan Civil Architecture Society

 (Adopted by the 8th Member Congress of Henan Civil Architecture Society on December 21, 2019)


第一章 总 则

第一条  The name of the Association is Henan Civil Engineering Society (referred to as: Henan Civil Engineering Society), the English name is Henan Civil Engineering and Architecture Society (HNCEAS), hereinafter referred to as the "Society"。

Our domicile is located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province。

第二条  The Association is a provincial, academic and non-profit social organization voluntarily established by units and individuals engaged in scientific research in the field of civil construction in Henan Province (including but not limited to scientific research, education, development, production, management, application and service),拥有独立法人资格,Adhere to the principles of independence, autonomy and democracy。

第三条  The competent unit of the association is the Science and Technology Association of Henan Province。The Association accepts the business guidance and supervision of the registration administration authority and the competent business unit。

 In the specific business, the association accepts the guidance of Henan Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department, China Civil Engineering Society and China Architectural Society。

 The Council adheres to the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China, establishes organizations of the Communist Party of China, carries out Party activities, and provides necessary conditions for the activities of Party organizations in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China。

第五条 本会宗旨是,Guided by the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Unite and organize all members and science and technology workers in the field of civil construction in the province,牢记初心、践行使命,Conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities of serving science and technology workers, serving innovation-driven development, serving to improve the scientific quality of the whole people, serving the scientific decision-making of the Party and the government, and revitalizing Henan and the Central Plains,To promote the upgrading of civil engineering and construction science and technology,Promote the upgrading of the professional level of civil engineering and construction technology workers,Promote the integration of civil construction science and technology with economic construction,To promote the popularization and dissemination of civil and architectural science and technology knowledge,促进提升全民健康水平,Make contributions to the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization。

The Association strictly abides by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practices socialist core values, abides by social morality, advocates scientific ethics, and promotes social integrity。

第二章 业务范围

第六条 本会业务范围:

(1) To carry out academic exchanges, organize academic conferences, and promote the high-quality development of disciplines。

(二)支持科学研究,研究制定团体标准,接受委托,To undertake or participate in the national, local, industry, enterprise and other aspects of technical standards, research and development,To undertake scientific and technological level assessment, evaluation, identification and academic level assessment of scientific and technological personnel for scientific and technological projects, engineering projects, scientific and technological research or promotion and application achievements,促进科学技

The transformation of technical results and the promotion of advanced technology。

(3) To carry out scientific and technological consultation, scientific and technological services and demonstration, hold scientific and technological exhibitions, play the role of think tanks, and provide scientific and technological demonstration and research suggestions for the scientific and technological research, innovation and development of the government, enterprises and public institutions or other organizations in need。

(4) To carry out continuing education, knowledge updating and technical training for scientific and technological personnel, and to provide services for the improvement of the technical and academic level of members and scientific and technological personnel。

(5) To carry out the evaluation and recommendation of excellent scientific and technological achievements, academic papers, engineering projects, new technologies, new products, new materials, new processes and their promotion and application achievements,Lift talents, especially young scientific and technological workers,Provide services for members and scientists to apply for high-level academic honors, scientific and technological awards, and scientific research projects。

(6) To edit and publish academic journals, academic works, academic papers, professional audiovisual products and popular science books, and disseminate scientific and technological information。

(7) Organize members and scientific and technological workers to put forward scientific and technological suggestions to the Party and the government on the focal points, hot spots and difficult issues in the development of the industry, reflect the opinions and reasonable demands of members and scientific workers, promote the construction of scientific ethics and study style, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members and scientific and technological workers。

(8) To complete the work entrusted by the relevant government departments。

Matters within the scope of business that are subject to approval under laws, regulations and other provisions shall be carried out after approval according to law。

第三章 会 员

第七条  Members of the Association are divided into individual members and unit members。

第八条  Anyone who accepts the Articles of Association and meets the following membership requirements may apply for membership。


Those who meet one of the following conditions may apply for membership。

(A) with engineers, architects, lecturers, assistant researchers and other intermediate or above technical titles (positions), or obtained a master's degree or above in the field of civil construction science and technology workers, or civil construction industry registered professional qualifications。

(2) Scientific and technical personnel with bachelor's degree from institutions of higher learning, engaged in civil construction technology work for five years or more, and with considerable academic level and practical work experience。

(3) Scientific and technological personnel who have graduated from a college or university, have been engaged in civil construction work for more than seven years, and have considerable academic level and practical work experience or have made significant contributions。

(四)Leaders and managers who enthusiastically and actively support the work of the society and engage in professional work。


Any organization (unit) that has a certain influence in the field of civil engineering and construction and is willing to join the Association can apply for membership and become a member of the Association。The representative of the unit member (who must be an individual member of the Association) serves as the working unit of the director of the Association and must be a unit member of the Association。

第九条 会员入会的程序是:

(1) The applicant has the intention to join the Association and voluntarily submits the application form for membership;

(2) After the qualification examination by the Secretariat, it is confirmed that the membership conditions are met, and after the examination and approval by the Organization Work Committee of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization Work Committee"), the Secretariat of the Association will handle the registration, membership fee payment and other formalities, and issue the membership card。

第十条 The membership card is designed and produced by the Secretariat。

第十一条 会员享有下列权利:


(1) To have the right to vote and to stand for election;

(2) Have the right to know, make suggestions and supervise the work of the Association;

(3) give priority to participating in the relevant activities organized by the Association;

(IV) priority to obtain relevant academic materials;

(5) Membership is voluntary and withdrawal is free。


(1) Their deputies have the right to vote and stand for election;

(2) Have the right to know, suggest and supervise the work of the Council;

(3) give priority to participating in the relevant activities organized by the Association;

(IV) priority to obtain relevant academic materials;

(5) may request the Association to give priority to technical advice;

(6) The Association may be requested to assist in organizing various training courses;

(7) Membership is voluntary and withdrawal is free。

第十二条 会员应履行下列义务:


(1) Abide by the articles of Association and implement the resolutions of the Association;

(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association;

(3) to complete the work entrusted by the Council;

(4) actively organize the relevant activities of the Association;

  (5) pay dues according to regulations;

  (6) To report the situation to the Council and provide relevant information。


(1) Abide by the articles of Association and implement the resolutions of the Association;

(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association;

(3) Accept and complete the work entrusted by the Association;

(4) Actively organize the members and employees of the unit to participate in the relevant activities organized by the Association, and assist in academic exchanges and scientific popularization activities;

(5) pay dues according to regulations;

(6) to report the situation to the Council and provide relevant information;

(7) Actively develop individual members in the unit and related units, and assist the Association to do a good job of individual members in the unit。

第十三条 If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association, it shall be examined and confirmed by the Organizing Working Committee, reported to the working meeting of the Chairman for approval, and if necessary, submitted to the Standing Council for approval, and the following punishments shall be given:



(3) suspension of the exercise of membership rights;


第十四条 会员退会。

(1) Members are free to withdraw from the Association, but should notify the Association in writing and return the membership card。

(2) If a member has any of the following circumstances, the Secretariat shall submit it to the Organizing Working Committee for approval, and it shall be deemed as automatically losing its membership。

1.Not registering and paying dues on time;

2.Did not participate in the activities of the Association for 2 consecutive years;


4.Loss of full capacity for civil conduct;

5.Individual members are deprived of political rights。

(3) After a member voluntarily retires from the Association, automatically loses his membership or is removed from the association, his corresponding duties, rights and obligations in the Association shall terminate automatically。

第十五条 The Association is entrusted by the Architectural Society of China and the Civil Engineering Society of China to recommend senior members。

第四章 组织机构

Section 1 Members' Congress

第十六条 The highest authority of the Council is the Congress of Members。会员代表大会职权是: (1) To formulate and amend the articles of association;

(b) to decide on the development policy and planning of the Association;

(3) To formulate and revise the election methods for members' representatives, directors, executive directors, responsible persons and supervisors;

(4) To elect and remove directors and supervisors;

(5) To formulate and revise the standards for membership dues;

(6) To examine and approve the work report and financial report of the Council;

(7) To examine the work reports of the Board of Supervisors;

(8) Decide on the change and termination of the name;

(9) To decide on other major matters。

第十七条 会员代表大会每届 5 年。Due to special circumstances need to advance or delay the change of the term, it must be voted by the council, submitted to the Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association for examination and approval, and approved by the Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department。The extension of the term of office shall not exceed 1 year。

The Association holds a member representative meeting, should be 15 days in advance of the proposed responsible person, meeting topics on the society's website, wechat public account to the members of the publicity period of 7 days。

第十八条 At the proposal of the Council or more than one-third of the members' representatives of the Association, a temporary congress of members' representatives shall be convened。

第十九条 The general meeting of members' representatives shall be held only when more than two-thirds of the members' representatives are present, and its resolutions shall be effective only if the following conditions are met:

(a) to formulate and amend the articles of association, decide on the change of name and termination of the matter, formulate and amend the membership fee standards, must be approved by more than two-thirds of the members' representatives at the meeting;Other resolutions shall be passed by a vote of more than half of the members' representatives present at the meeting。

(2) For the election of directors, the candidate who obtains the most votes shall be elected, and the number of votes shall not be less than half of the total valid votes。

第二十条 The following matters shall be voted on by secret ballot:

(1) To formulate and amend the articles of association;

(2) To elect and remove directors;

(3) Formulating and revising the standards for membership dues。

第二节 理事会

第二十一条 The Council is the executive body of the Members' Congress, leading the daily work of the Council during the intersessional period, and is responsible to the members' Congress。

第二十二条 The director who is represented by the member of the unit shall be the person in charge of the unit。When the member of the unit needs to change the representative of the director, it shall notify the Council in writing;After approval, the Association shall also reply to the member units in writing。

第二十三条 理事会的职责是:

(1) implementing the resolutions of the members' Congress;

(2) to decide on the addition, alteration or dismissal of the executive director;

(3) Determining the candidate for the legal representative;

(4) To decide on the establishment and appointment of honorary posts;

(5) to study and deliberate matters relating to the change of the term of office, and to prepare for the holding of a general meeting of members' representatives;

(6) To report work and financial status to the congress of members;

(7) to elect and remove persons in charge;

(8) To lead the work of various organs of the Association;

(9) To review major business activities, disposal of large amounts of property and important foreign-related activities;

(10) To decide on other major matters。

第二十四条 The term of office of the Council is the same as that of the General Assembly of Members, and each term is 5 years。If it is necessary to advance or postpone the term change due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by the board of Directors and submitted to the registration administration authority for approval。延期换届最长不超过1年。

第二十五条 A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened only when two-thirds or more of the directors are present, and its resolution shall take effect only when voted by two-thirds or more of the directors present。If a director is unable to attend the meeting due to special circumstances, he may appoint a representative in writing to attend the meeting and exercise the right to vote。理事如If you fail to attend the Board meeting without reason twice, you will automatically lose your membership。

第二十六条 When the Council elects the executive director and the person in charge of the Council, the candidate who obtains more votes shall be elected, and the number of votes obtained shall not be less than two-thirds of the total valid votes。

The appointment of the Secretary-General of the Council shall be approved by more than two-thirds of the votes of the Council。

第二十七条 The Council shall meet at least once a year, and may also be convened by means of correspondence in exceptional circumstances。The conference shall not decide on the change of directors。

第三节 常务理事会

第二十八条 The Council shall establish a Standing Council, which shall be elected by the Council。The term of office of the Permanent Council is the same as that of the Council。When the Council is not in session, the Standing Council shall exercise the functions and powers of the Council in items 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, and shall be responsible to the Council。

第二十九条 The Standing Council shall be convened only when more than two-thirds of the standing Council members are present, and its resolutions shall take effect only when voted by more than two-thirds of the standing Council members present。If the executive director is unable to attend the meeting due to special circumstances, he may appoint a representative in writing to attend the meeting and exercise the right to vote。

第三十条 The Standing Council shall meet at least once every six months;Special circumstances can also be held in the form of communication。

第三十一条 常务理事 If you do not attend the meeting of the Executive Council without reason for four times, you will automatically lose the standing director qualification。

第四节 负责人

第三十二条 The person in charge of the Association as mentioned in these Articles refers to the chairman, vice chairman and secretary general of the Association。

第三十三条 本会负责人总数为 5~13 人。The responsible person shall be elected from among the standing directors and shall meet the following conditions:

(1) adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies and possess good political quality;

(b) in the business field and activities of the association has a greater impact;

(三)年龄不超过 At the age of 70, the Secretary-General is full-time;

(4) be in good health, able to work normally and have full capacity for civil conduct;

(5) Be able to faithfully and diligently perform their duties and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association and its members;

(6) The person in charge of the Association shall not have close relatives;

(7) Other circumstances in which no laws, administrative regulations, rules or state policies provide for such duties。

第三十四条 Under any of the following circumstances, he shall not be the person in charge of the Association:

(1) having no or limited capacity for civil conduct;

(2) is or has been subject to criminal punishment for deprivation of political rights;

(三)Once served as the person in charge of a social organization whose registration was revoked and the Registration Certificate of a social organization as a legal person was revoked,And is personally responsible for the illegal acts of the social group,Or served as the head of a banned social organization,It has not expired since the social organization was revoked of registration, revoked the Registration Certificate of social organization legal person, or banned 3 年的;

(4) Other circumstances provided for by laws and administrative regulations。

The person in charge elected or appointed in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be invalid。

第三十五条 If the person in charge of the association is older than the maximum age, he can take office only after being voted by the Board of Directors, submitted to the Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association for examination and approval, and submitted to the Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department for approval。

第三十六条 The Chairman of the Association shall exercise the following powers:

(1) To convene and preside over the working meetings of the Board of Directors, the standing Board of Directors and the Chairman;

(2) To check the implementation of the resolutions of the member Congress, the Board of Directors, the Standing Board of Directors and the working meeting of the chairman。

第三十七条 The Vice president of the Association assists the Chairman in carrying out the work and completing the matters assigned by the Chairman。

第三十八条 The term of office of the head of the Association is the same as that of the Council, and the maximum term of office of the head shall not exceed two terms。If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it must be voted by more than two-thirds of the members' representatives of the members' congress, and submitted to the Henan Provincial Association for Science and Technology for examination and approval, and can only be approved by the Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department。

第三十九条 The chairman who has been removed or retired from office of the Association shall no longer perform the functions and powers of the legal representative of the Association Within 20 days, the change registration shall be completed with the registration administration authority。If the former chairman does not cooperate with the registration of the change of legal representative without justifiable reasons, the Council may present the resolution of the Council and relevant evidence to the registration administration authority for change registration。

第四十条 The legal representative of the Association shall be the chairman。

When it is necessary for the Vice President to act as the legal representative due to special circumstances,则应由理事长提名,经理事长工作会议研究,The vice chairman who decides to serve as the legal representative;When the chairperson does not nominate or the chairperson is vacant,It shall be jointly nominated by three or more vice chairmen and studied by the Chairman's working meeting,Decides to serve as the legal representative of the vice chairman。

The chairman who serves as the legal representative of the Association or the vice Chairman who is decided by the working meeting of the Chairman to serve as the legal representative of the Association shall be submitted to the Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association for examination and approval and shall be approved by the Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department before taking office。

The legal representative of the Association signed relevant important documents on behalf of the Association。

The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other social organizations。

第四十一条 The association shall implement the chairman's working meeting system。The working meeting of the Chairman shall be composed of the Chairman and vice chairmen。

The Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General attended the Chairman's working meeting as non-voting delegates。

第四十二条 The working meeting of the Chairman shall be convened only when more than two-thirds of the members are present, and the resolution shall be valid only when it is passed by more than two-thirds of the members present。

第四十三条 The working meeting of the Chairman decides on the following matters and exercises the following functions and powers:

(1) implementing the resolutions of the members' Congress, the Board of Directors and the Standing Board of Directors;

(2) To supervise the implementation of various rules and regulations, annual work plan and annual financial budget of the Association;

(3) to decide on the establishment of branches, offices and entities of the Council;

(4) to examine and appoint the heads of branches, offices and entities;

(5) To lead, guide (inspect and promote) the work of the various organs of the Association;

(6) to examine and approve the internal management system;

(VII) Examine and approve the annual activity plan of the association;

(8) Review and supervise the use of funds of the Association;

(9) To put forward proposals to the Council or the Standing Council;

(10) Other matters to be discussed and decided at the working meeting of the Chairman。

Section 5 Administrative offices and their responsible persons

第四十四条 The Council shall have a Secretary-General, who shall be full-time。

(1) Appointment of full-time Secretary-General

1.The person who intends to be appointed as the full-time Secretary General for the current term must be the Vice President who has been elected for the current term。

2.The Chairman shall propose the candidate to be appointed as the full-time Secretary-General of the current term, and after being approved by the Chairman's working meeting, the Chairman shall appoint and issue the appointment letter, and be responsible to the Chairman。

(2) The Secretary-General shall work under the leadership of the Chairman of the Association and exercise the following functions and powers:

1.Carry out the work assigned by the chairman, and implement the resolutions of the working meeting of the Chairman。

2.Organize the preparation of the annual work plan draft, financial budget and final account report of the association, and submit it to the working meeting of the chairman for consideration。

3.Organize and implement the approved annual work plan of the Association。

4.Proposed deputy Secretary-General candidates, submitted to the chairman of the review and approval before the post;Responsible for leading the Deputy Secretary-General to carry out daily work。

5.To coordinate and guide the work of branches, direct working agencies and entities of the Association。

6.Liaise with external affairs on behalf of the Association and deal with related daily affairs。

7.Responsible for the daily operation and management of the Association, leading the office (secretariat) of the Association to carry out daily work and sign general documents。

8.To formulate the internal management system of the office (secretariat) and the entity, such as the job posts and corresponding job responsibilities,To formulate employment conditions and remuneration packages for full-time staff,Responsible for the recruitment of full-time staff for various positions,Put forward the list of full-time staff of each job post to be employed after preliminary assessment,报理事长批准后,方可录用入职。


第四十五条 本会设 1~4名副秘书长。


1.The person to be appointed as the Deputy Secretary-General of the current term must be the elected member of the current term。

2.The Secretary-General shall propose the candidate to be appointed as the deputy Secretary-General of the current term, and shall appoint and issue the letter of appointment after examination and approval by the Chairman。

(2) The Under-Secretary-General shall work under the leadership of the Secretary-General and carry out the work assigned by the Secretary-General。 (3) According to the needs of the work, the Secretary General shall determine the nature of the post, job duties and remuneration of the Deputy Secretary-General。

第四十六条 The secretariat responsible for the daily operation and management of the Association is the substantive office of the Association and carries out professional management。

(一)The secretariat consists of a director, 1-2 deputy directors and a number of full-time staff。 (2) The daily work of the secretariat shall be governed by the director responsibility system under the leadership of the Secretary-General。

(3) The establishment of secretariat posts and corresponding job duties, performance assessment methods, employment conditions and remuneration of full-time staff shall be implemented in accordance with the management rules approved by the Chairman's working meeting。

第六节 监事会

第四十七条 本会设立监事会。监事会由 3 名监事组成。The term of office of the Board of Supervisors is the same as that of the Board of Directors and may be reappointed, but not more than two terms。

第四十八条 Supervisors shall be elected by the members' congress, or appointed by the competent business unit or the registration administration department according to the needs of the work。The responsible person, director, standing director and financial management personnel of the Association and the close relatives of the above-mentioned personnel shall not concurrently serve as supervisors。

第四十九条 The Board of supervisors (or supervisors) shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) To attend the council meeting, the executive Council meeting and the working meeting of the chairman, and to raise questions and suggestions on the matters resolved by the council meeting, the Executive Council meeting and the working meeting of the chairman;

(2) To supervise the activities of the directors and executive directors in performing their duties of the Association, and to propose the removal of the responsible persons, directors and executive directors who violate laws, administrative regulations and the articles of Association or resolutions of the members (representatives) assembly in accordance with procedures;

(3) To examine the financial reports of the Association, report the work of the Board of Supervisors to the members' congress and put forward proposals;

(D) responsible persons, directors, executive directors, financial management personnel damage to the interests of the Association, promptly correct;

(V) to the registration and administration authorities and tax and accounting authorities to reflect the problems existing in the work of the Association;

(6) To decide on other matters to be examined by the Board of Supervisors。

The Board of supervisors shall meet at least once every six months。The meeting of the board of supervisors shall be held only when more than two-thirds of the supervisors are present, and its resolution shall be valid only when it is passed by more than half of the supervisors present。

第五十条 If the Board of Supervisors finds that the activities of the Association are abnormal, it may conduct an investigation;If necessary, employ accounting firms to assist them in their work。The expenses necessary for the supervisors to exercise their functions and powers shall be borne by the Council。

第五十一条 The election methods, duties, powers, obligations and working methods of the Board of Supervisors of the Association shall be regulated by the Regulations on the Work of the Board of Supervisors of Henan Civil Engineering Society。Regulations on the Work of the Supervisory Board of Henan Civil Engineering Society shall be formulated (amended) by the Member representative Assembly in accordance with the articles of Association.。

第七节 分支机构

第五十二条 Within the purpose and business scope stipulated in the Articles of Association, the Association shall set up branch offices and working offices according to the work needs, but shall not set up regional branch offices。

第五十三条 The branches and working organizations of the Association are integral parts of the Association, and develop members and carry out activities within the scope authorized by the Association, but they do not have the status of a legal person, and do not formulate articles of association separately. Their legal responsibilities shall be borne by the Association。

(1) The establishment, change and termination of branches and representative offices of the Association shall be reviewed and approved by the working meeting of the Chairman of the Association, and promptly filed with the Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association, the competent business unit of the Association, and the registration administration authority of Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department。

(2) All branches and working organizations of the Association shall use the full name of the Association, which shall not exceed the business scope of the Association。

(3) The branches and working organs of the Association shall not set up branches or working organs under their own organizations。

(四)The financial affairs and accounts of all branches and working organizations of the Association shall be under the unified management of the Association。

(五)The branch offices of the Council shall adopt a committee system。The Chairman, Vice-chairmen and standing members shall be elected by the committee through democratic consultation to form the Standing Committee。委员会每届任期 5 年。

(6) In the annual work report of the Association, the relevant information of each branch and working organization shall be submitted to the registration administration authority for annual inspection;At the same time, the relevant information will be disclosed to the public in a timely manner and consciously accept social supervision。

第五十四条 The establishment, change and termination of branches and working organs of the Association, the election methods, duties, powers, obligations and working methods of the responsible persons shall be regulated by the Regulations on the Management of Branches of Henan Civil and Architectural Society。Regulations on the Administration of Branches of Henan Civil and Architectural Society shall be formulated (amended) by the Member Representative Assembly in accordance with the Articles of Association.。

第八节 名誉职务及其他

第五十五条 He has served as the chairman of the Association or academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering or famous domestic experts and scholars with high academic prestige and great influence,经当届理事会讨论通过,Can be hired as the honorary chairman of the association;He has served as the vice chairman of the Association or the executive director who has made great contributions to the Association or the famous domestic experts and scholars with high academic prestige and great influence,经当届理事会讨论通过,可聘请担任本会顾问。

第五十六条 The election results of the directors, standing directors and responsible persons of the Association shall be in It shall be submitted to the registration authority for record within 20 days。

第五十七条 The Council, the Standing Council and the working meeting of the Chairman of the Association shall work in accordance with the working Regulations of the Council of Henan Civil and Architectural Society。

第五十八条 The members' congress, council, Standing Council and chairman's working meeting shall make meeting minutes;The resolution shall be made into a written document and reviewed and signed by the person in charge。

第五章 Party building, clean government building, integrity and self-discipline building

第五十九条 The Committee shall establish a Party Committee in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and the Opinions Issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening Party Building in Social Organizations (Trial) and relevant provisions。The superior Party organization of the unit is the CPC Henan Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department Organ Committee。

第六十条 Party organizations of the Association shall carry out organizational activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant provisions, conduct new elections on schedule, and consciously accept the guidance of higher party organizations。

第六十一条 The Association strictly implements the relevant provisions on the construction of party conduct, clean government and anti-corruption in social organizations and the integrity self-discipline commitment system, takes the initiative to sign the self-discipline commitment letter and makes it public to the society, strengthens the implementation of responsibilities, and ensures the fulfillment of social commitments。

第六十二条 本会为明确廉洁诚信建设责任,由会员代表大会根据党的十八大、十九大精神、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和本会章程,制定(修改)《十大靠谱网投平台廉洁诚信自律公约》,规范行为。

第六章 信息公开

第六十三条 本会于每年 Before May 31, submit the work report of the previous year through the unified information platform of the registration and management authority, participate in the annual inspection, and disclose it to the public。

第六十四条 The annual work report includes:

(a) the basic situation of the association;

(B) the Association's compliance with laws, regulations, rules and national policies

(3) Activities carried out in accordance with the Articles of Association

(4) changes in personnel and institutions;


(6) Other information required by the registration administration authority。

第六十五条 Information involving state secrets, commercial secrets and personal privacy, as well as information such as name, name, address and means of communication that the donor does not agree to be disclosed, shall not be disclosed。

第七章 资产管理与使用原则

第六十六条 本会的财产来源:







第六十七条 The Association implements membership system, collects dues from members in accordance with the provisions of the Association's articles of Association, and the members' representative assembly formulates the Membership Fee Standard and Member Management Measures of Henan Civil Architecture Society.。

第六十八条 The property of the Association (including legal business income) used for serving members, carrying out activities within the business scope as stipulated in the articles of Association, business development of the Association, administrative office expenses and salary expenses of full-time staff shall not be distributed among members as dividends。

第六十九条 本会接受捐赠、资助。

(1) The term, method and use of donations and financial aid must conform to the purposes and business scope stipulated in the Association's articles of Association。

(2) The donations and subsidies received by the Association shall be used according to the time limit, method and purpose agreed with the donors and donors。

(3) The Association shall promptly report to the competent unit of Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association and the registration administration authority of Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department on the receipt of donations and funds and their use。

(4) The Association does not accept donations and subsidies that violate laws, administrative regulations and social ethics。

第七十条 本会财产管理。

(A) the Association in accordance with the national unified accounting system to determine the strict financial management system of the association, formulate financial accounting reports, improve the internal control mechanism, standardize the use of bills, accept the financial department and the member congress, the board of supervisors supervision。Ensure that the accounting information is legal, true, accurate and complete。

(2) If the property comes from the state or social donations or subsidies, it shall be subject to the supervision of the audit institution。

(3) All financial revenues and expenditures of the Association shall be incorporated into the bank account opened by the Association, and no other organization or individual bank account shall be used。

(4) The Association will recruit financial and accounting personnel with professional qualifications or entrust a qualified accounting firm to manage the property of the Association。会计不得兼任出纳。When the accounting personnel are transferred to work or leave the office, they must accept the audit and clear the handover formalities with the receiver。

第七十一条 Before the change of the legal representative or the change of the financial leader, the financial audit must be carried out。

第七十二条 All the assets of the Association and their appreciation are owned by the Association, and no unit or individual shall seize, privately divide or misappropriate them, nor shall they be distributed among members。

第七十三条 The remuneration, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of the Institute shall be implemented in accordance with Article 46 of the Articles of Association。

第八章 章程修改程序

第七十四条 The amendments to the articles of Association shall be approved by the Board of Directors, submitted to the competent business unit and the registration authority for preliminary examination, and submitted to the General Assembly of members for deliberation。

第七十五条 The revised articles of Association shall be approved by more than two-thirds of the representatives of the members present at the Congress of members, and shall be examined and approved by the competent business unit Within 30 days, it shall take effect after being submitted to the registration and administration authority for approval。

第九章 Termination proceedings and disposal of property after termination

第七十六条 If the Association completes its purpose or dissolves itself, or needs to be cancelled due to division, merger or other reasons, the Council shall put forward a motion for termination。With the approval of more than two-thirds of the representatives of the members' congress, it shall be reported to the competent business unit for examination and approval, and apply to the registration administration department of social organizations for cancellation of registration。

第七十七条 Before the termination of the Association, it shall set up a liquidation organization under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to settle claims and debts and deal with the aftermath。During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out。

第七十八条 The association shall terminate upon the cancellation of registration by the registration and administration authority of the association。 Article 79 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purpose of the Association in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and administration authority of the association。

第十章 附则

第八十条 The logo of the Association is composed of the logo of the organization and the Chinese name of the association。






The main element of the logo is two relatively placed dougong silhouette patterns, which are combined to form the word "Zhong";The name font, composed of the words in "Creating French";The main color is vermilion red for Chinese ancient lacquer。The logo of the association shows the distinctive industry nature, reflects the profound cultural connotation, highlights the profound regional historical and cultural accumulation, and highlights the purpose of the association to uphold the original heart and continue the tradition, and take the mission to create the future。

第八十一条 The power of interpretation of this Constitution belongs to the Council of the Association。

第八十二条 每年 The Saturday of the last week of May is the "Member's Day of Henan Civil Architecture Society", aiming to carry out corresponding activities simultaneously with the theme of "National Science and Technology Workers' Day" (May 30 each year) and the work of various centers, in order to realize the purpose and responsibility of serving members。

第八十三条 Article 8 The articles of Association are approved by the 8th session of the Congress of members of the Association and come into force on the date of approval by Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department, the registration and administration authority of the association。

 * The emblem is designed by Dr. Duan Kin-keung。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。


    • 联系人:张苗子

    • Contact number: 0371-63934798

    • QQ:2078961585

    • Email: 2078961585@qq.com

    • Address: No.96, Huanghe Road, Zhengzhou City

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